“Have you ever played a racing game and wanted to play as the road rather than the cars? I know I have…”Basierend auf den Tweets von @PeterMolydeux fand vom 30. März bis zum 1. April 2012 der Gamejam What Would Molydeux? statt, bei dem es galt, die verrückten Spielideen binnen 48 Stunden umzusetzen. Daraufhin entstanden knapp 300 Games, die es zu durchstöbern lohnt. Ich habe hier angefangen, ein paar Perlen zu sammeln – weitere folgen.
“I’d love the idea of trying to make a Mario game in which Mario is unable to jump.”
“I’d like to make a game where the tutorial comes up after the credits”
“You live in a little house made of guns. You need many guns to fight invaders but also need to keep a roof on top of your many children”
“You know, my dream for gaming is where in one game you’ll shoot someone and then during a game of say Fifa you’ll see their son crying”
("You are a bear but for some reason your oxygen comes from hugging people. Problem is that hugging people breaks their bones.")
Die letzte Idee hört sich eigentlich gut an.